Over the last thousand years, lipstick manufacturing techniques advanced tenfold over the simple and ineffective recipes that were used in medieval Europe, ancient civilizations and prehistoric times. Even though lipstick was one (if not THE one) of the first cosmetic products to be used by humankind, it received substantial improvements over the ages. However, the reason for its use remained the same – humankind (especially the female population) always needed a way to distinguish themselves in the crowd, decorate their faces for various rituals and occasions, make themselves more beautiful, and of course protect their lips from the harmful elements such as sun, wind and dry air.

We come a long way from prehistoric times when colored berries were the only source of lip decoration. Now, modern-day industry has produced a standardized set of ingredients that are used in all modern brands. One brand may differ from another with some additional substances, but let’s cover the main ingredients first.

Common Lipstick Ingredients

Harmful ingredients